Tuesday, 21 May 2019
Victoria Rodriguez
Here's a painting of Serge by Victoria Rodriguez. She's a 22 year old from Texas and she painted this in art class in uni. Here's her instagram.
Thursday, 4 April 2019
The Son of Ken (AKA Mark Hughes)
Here's a great Serge from Wales' very own Son of Ken (otherwise known as Mark Hughes). He's @SonofKen on Twitter, @theartofsok on Instagram and you can buy his fantastic illustrated Welsh Alphabet book HERE.
Sunday, 18 March 2018
It's been a while since I've drawn Serge. I was about to post a drawing on here yesterday then I noticed if I waited until today it would be 5 YEARS since the last post! Here's a new drawing - originally drawn in my sketchbook with ballpoint pen and colour pencil and then coloured in Procreate on the iPad Pro. If anyone else fancies drawing Serge then send them in (contact details to the right).

Monday, 18 March 2013
Nick Oliver

Nick is an illustrator with a great line in caricatures from the UK (Wigan to be precise). Click HERE to see more.
Timothy J Andrew

Timothy J Andrew is a fine arts student studying at Massey University, New Zealand. In his own words "My dog is always happy to see me, for this I am invincible." Can't say fairer than that! His Tumblr is HERE.
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
Chris Kasch 2
Here's a second Serge from Chris Kasch with a very Gainsbourg-esque play on words. A slight change to change to his trademark style but no less striking. Click HERE to see more of his brilliant work.
More Serges to come soon!
More Serges to come soon!
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Draw Serge!
An illustrative tribute to the late, great Gainsbourg. Curated by Jonathan Edwards.
Serge the web
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